Saturday, February 16, 2008

Recovery from Minimally Invasive Surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery, Eugene, Oregon

The recovery from laparoscopic surgery or minimally invasive surgery depends on the following factors

1. Number of Incisions.
In general, the fewer the incisions, the faster the recovery.

2. Size of Incision
In general, each laparoscopic incision is 5 to 1.5 cm. Sometime, the incision has to be enlarge to removed a specimen.
Therefore, the smaller the incision, the faster the recovery !

3. The type of general anesthesia.
If patient has problem with the anesthesia, regardless the type of surgery, the patients will recover faster if he or she has no problem withn the anesthesia. Older patients with medical comorbidity are more likely to wake up slower compared to younger healtheir patients.

4. Which oragn system is being operated on ?
Common surgery like: Laparoscopic appendectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: Patients tend to recover quicker.

Laparoscopic bowel surgery: Laparoscopic colectomy, laparoscopic small bowel resection: will usually require few days of hospital stays.

Laparoscopic foregut surgery: Laparoscopic fundoplication, laparoscopic hiatus hernia repair: usually performed as a out patient procedure or 24 hrs hospital stays.

Laparoscopic esophagectomy: will required at least 5 to 7 days of hospital stays to ensure that the anastomosis is OK.

Laparoscopic pancreas surgery and laparoscopic liver surgery: Not many surgeon can do this !, not even all laparoscopic surgeron can do this. This is a procedure that required a highly skill laparoscopic surgeon with special interest in hepatobiliary surgery ( liver and pancreas surgery) to perform.

Kaiser Permanente, South San Francisco experienced laparoscopic surgeons

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