Saturday, February 16, 2008

Is My Surgeon a Real Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon ?

The truth is the surgical community knows that the future of surgery in the abdomen will be dominated by laparoscopic approach rather than the "old" open approach.

The truth is also, the patients are getting more well read and well educated about their disease process and treatment options including surgical intervention. If the patients has spend some time reading about their surgical treatment. It is very likely they will discover that "May be" or Very-likely" they can be done through a laparoscopic surgery approach.

Therefore, most surgeons want to position themselve to be able to deal with the patients search for a laparoscopic surgeon. Therefore, if we look around: Almost very surgeons called themselves laparoscopic surgeon. Even worst, they called advertised themselves as "advanced laparoscopic surgeon".

There are no guideline when a surgeon can called themselves a advanced laparoscopic surgeon.

Look around and ask around for surgeons in San Francisco ! There are too many who called themselves advanced laparoscopic surgeon. BUT only a few can really do an advanced laparoscopic surgery or minimally invasive surgery in San Francisco

Kaiser Permanente, South San Francisco experienced laparoscopic surgeons

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