Type of Minimally Invasive Surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery in Eugene, OR
The common question should be asked by every patient that may need abdominal operation is “Doctor! Can my operation be done laparoscopically?”
The lists of laparoscopic surgery that can be performed in the United States are as below. Of note, all these laparoscopic operation are available in Eugene, Oregon! Further details and pictures for each operation will be described in detail in the subsequent pages
A. Gastrointestinal System
1. Laparoscopic Esophageal Resection (Esophagectomy), Fundoplication, Myotomy
2. Laparoscopic Stomach Resection (Gastrectomy), Banding, G-tube insertion
3. Laparoscopic Small Intestine Resection, J-tube insertion
4. Laparoscopic Liver Resection (Hepatectomy), radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
5. Laparoscopic Pancreatic Resection (Pancreatectomy)
6. Laparoscopic Large Bowel Resection (Colectomy)
7. Laparoscopic Ilea-anal Pouch Reconstruction.
8. Laparoscopic Appendix Removal (Appendectomy)
9. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal (Cholecystectomy)
10. Laparoscopic weight lost surgery (Laparoscopic insertion of adjustable gastric banding system, laparoscopic sleeve Gastrectomy and laparoscopic RNY gastric by pass)
B. Endocrine System
1. Laparoscopic Adrenal Gland Removal (Adrenalectomy)
C. Urological System
1. Laparoscopic Nepherectomy
2. Laparoscopic Prostatectomy
D. Gynaeocology
1. Laparoscopic Removal of Uterus (Hysterectomy)
2. Laparoscopic Removal of Ovary (Oophorectomy)
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